Happy New Year YMCA Friends,
Every year I take some time over the holidays to find cause to pause. It’s such a wonderful time to reflect on the good things that you have in your life and your community. It was no different this year.
I am inspired to work with some of the most committed and brilliant staff at the Y daily and we are all lifted by a group of Board members and program volunteers that deeply care about this organization and this community.
We have so much to do in 2023 and the potential impact of this work will foster far reaching improvements in the lives of residents, members, and program participants.
We want 2023 to be a breakout year and bring our best mission moments forward from the chaos we have been accustomed to over the past two years.
Some highlights in 2022:
• Focused efforts on Capital Development to complete the Phase Two plan for the new Community Complex.
• Continued strong partnership with the Anaheim Elementary School District providing care for children while parents work.
• Developed partnerships with our local professional teams: Orange County Soccer Club and the Anaheim Ducks to strengthen our Youth sports programs.
• Continued an exceptionally strong and vital partnership with the City of Anaheim for city-wide programming.
• YMCA Fundraising Gala honoring Linda and Alden Esping held in March.
• Y kids attended many Angels events both at our YMCA Community Complex and at Angel Stadium.
• Received an exceptional gift from the Samueli Family Foundation.
• Disney renewed another year of support for our Avanza Teen Leadership program.
• First Annual Legacy dinner was held in October.
I am very excited by the Anaheim YMCA formula for our strong trajectory this year and looking forward to our best year yet!
Let’s make it a great year!
Brent R. Finlay
President and CEO